🖥️ Git Workflow Standards

This section outlines the standardized patterns for branch naming and commit messages to be used across all repositories involved in the development of the table tennis ball catcher project, including both the mobile application and the embedded software. Adhering to these standards will ensure clarity, consistency, and efficiency in version control.

Branch Naming Convention




Branch names should clearly reflect the task they relate to, as defined in the project management tool. The TASK-ID should include a unique identifier (e.g., ASH-000).


Commit Message Format


TASK-ID: (Task Name) - (Task Item in Definition of Done if it has)


Commit messages must succinctly describe what the commit achieves, linking it directly to the task or a specific part of the task’s definition of done. This facilitates easier tracking and understanding of individual changes.


Branch Management Post-Completion


Once the code within a branch has been fully tested, reviewed, and merged into the main development line, the branch should be deleted. This practice avoids cluttering the repository with inactive branches and helps maintain a clean, navigable structure.

  1. Testing